Droppie (V parte)
The formula that was found was perfect: he was referring to the peonies, but it could also allude to Peter and Nicholas. Simply brilliant-he complimented himself while holed-mail with the photo to: His mother Silvia M., 14 Via Vetere, Milano.
Silvia arrived on Thursday evening. The boy went to pick her up at the station Terms with a large stuffed dog as a gift for the child. But David, as expected, and even a little 'hoped for, was not there. Silvia was able to rely on grandparents for a couple of days, taking advantage of Labor Day. And then wanted to enjoy that birthday in the Eternal City with only his best friend and her peonies, he said, embracing him beaming.
At home, the boy showed cheerful, thoughtful, and he was speaking. Although he had to bite his tongue a few times over the pact they had made to the birth of David. Not allowed to comment on the belly, breasts or weight of Silvia David until he had taken a year. This was the deal. It was hard to silence his strong sense of aesthetics but the guy there did it. To avoid gaffes, he spoke as little as possible and let her speak. A Silvia did not seem true to finally be able to vent with someone to love and found a man who knew how to listen without interruption until the end with inappropriate jokes, trivia questions and unsolicited advice. Not even became suspicious when the boy's cell phone rang and he put the ring instead of answering muted. It was not a man like any other, nor a woman, he said. And in his heart he blessed him and all gay people on the planet.
But the next day had to change his mind. The party was wonderful, the house a crash, the peonies and wonderful Peter and Nicola-owners of the gay couple house-really delicious. But his friend was really unbearable: his mood was black and his uncontrollable nervousness. But Silvia was determined to have fun at any cost and he did. He was happy to twirl now with Peter, now with Nicole and all their friends and loved its mirror image and multiplied by an infinitesimal difference in the mirrors that adorn the four walls of the hall Still, he had to admit, those two or three pounds of too. Just when everyone had gone and found himself face to face with the boy to smoke the last cigarette in the garden peonies in the middle of the tackles.
"Explain to me what the fuck thou hast? And 'all night you keep the muzzle. Did not I ask not me to take me to the palace to celebrate my birthday! It was you who insist on passing both of your friends here at home rich men. "
"Ricchioni, you mean."
"And luckily there were other, otherwise you know what a beautiful celebration of shit".
"Perfect, we missed that too. Mo 'well you get to cry. "
When he calmed down and was able to speak, the boy told the whole story without leaving out even the smallest detail. Silvia was like a sister to him and she was not ashamed of anything. At the end came to take our coats in the blue room and went away without saying goodbye. Silvia raised an eyebrow and said: "The beds are made for two." No one dared to breathe in the car at home.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Habistatdimming Thermostat
Can I Use Oilve Oil To Masterbate
Droppie (IV parte)
I met again two more times after that first exciting afternoon. The boy began to practically live as Peter but never revealed his real name.
It saw the university and then went to sleep in the blue room with Eva that he crouched elegantly its pillowy foot of the chimney to observe them. Sex between them was always creative, intense and incredibly rewarding.
spent entire weekend to fuck and eat steaks to regain his strength. They had inspected every inch of their bodies with care and attention and now manic not hated anything for each other. Pissed and defecated together, shower together and were indeed often did not wash a relationship even between sessions. They loved to be dried semen on her belly in thin layers as a sticky white PVA glue, to feel the smell of the other on overnight. The next morning, calmly got up and bathed together in the large Jacuzzi until the semen was dry and did not leave to the surface like the death of tanning cuticle. During their lovemaking Eva moved away quietly from the room-blue china to return to his bed only when it was done. Once they even tried to lick her hat, but she had despised and had secluded ticking on the tiles with their feet in the corridor and licking his chops to remove that smell from the nose. One Sunday morning the boy got up and did not find Peter's even in the bathroom, caught up in the kitchen. As he walked on tiptoe on the pottery frost heard him scream and then crying on the phone. Only when he threatened to return on foot to his house Peter confessed that he was engaged by ten years with a man from Bari, but that he could leave neither the one nor the other, because now he loved them both.

spent entire weekend to fuck and eat steaks to regain his strength. They had inspected every inch of their bodies with care and attention and now manic not hated anything for each other. Pissed and defecated together, shower together and were indeed often did not wash a relationship even between sessions. They loved to be dried semen on her belly in thin layers as a sticky white PVA glue, to feel the smell of the other on overnight. The next morning, calmly got up and bathed together in the large Jacuzzi until the semen was dry and did not leave to the surface like the death of tanning cuticle. During their lovemaking Eva moved away quietly from the room-blue china to return to his bed only when it was done. Once they even tried to lick her hat, but she had despised and had secluded ticking on the tiles with their feet in the corridor and licking his chops to remove that smell from the nose. One Sunday morning the boy got up and did not find Peter's even in the bathroom, caught up in the kitchen. As he walked on tiptoe on the pottery frost heard him scream and then crying on the phone. Only when he threatened to return on foot to his house Peter confessed that he was engaged by ten years with a man from Bari, but that he could leave neither the one nor the other, because now he loved them both.
The boy met Nicola on the following Saturday at Peter's house. From the parties that made Eve and familiarity with which Nicholas was moving home, Andrew was convinced that Peter was telling the truth. It was embarrassing at first, but Peter had an incredible influence on both the lovers. After the desperate cries of Peter and sincere, a couple of pathetic attempts to leave by Nicholas and the boy's proposal to remove the noise, tempers subsided. The three slept on Latvian clothing, with Peter in their midst two embraced. On Sunday morning, the boy agreed to stay home with Eva. Peter and Nicola went out together in the car and returned about noon with a strange bronze statue in his hands. Represents an ancient Greek goddess: a half-man half-goat satyr playing the flute.
with neutral expression and a voice surprisingly calm, as if it were the most normal thing in this world, Peter expounded his idea of \u200b\u200ba story to three and he proposed to seal just the beginning of that love triangle with a bacchanal to be held right there in the house where they met. The orgy was be consumed before the statue of the god Pan, whose name-Peter pointed out to him with a certain amount of self-consisted of the initials of their three names: Peter, Andrew and Nicholas. The boy tried in vain to resist. No, I could not hold back! That's the one who always said he does not believe in coincidences. Nicola course had already agreed. To prove it he opened the hall of mirrors, lit the fireplace, lay naked on the carpet with Nicole and began to kiss him under the eye of mocking goat god. Nicola was older than him and also of Peter, but had to admit that the body is completely hairless, and the muscles rippling under the olive skin of the excited Bari a lot. After all, what's it matter? It had nothing to lose. Indeed it was in a position of advantage. He was not the ruin-families. He had been cheated and now they had the chance to take revenge. After all, the lover and he was also the youngest of three. If Peter and Nicholas were the base pair, he was the apex of the triangle. Nicola was well spent, he said. His cock was not as long as that of Peter, but it was dark and swollen, with a cock deep and smooth as the chapel of a fungus that glowed in the light of the flames in the fireplace. That was the last thing he saw. Then came a single, inextricable tangle of bodies excited. Flaming mouths, tongues darting, hands and fingers insatiable curious, greedy eyes and endless moans of pleasure. Peter was beginning to lead the dancing. But the boy only had to wait a little and, as he had expected, he soon became a center of attraction, complicit in the wine, the excitement irresistible taste for novelty. Peter capitulated first. At first, the impartiality of its attentions to the old and the new lover was impeccable. But almost without realizing it gradually turned away from Nicholas to indulge more and more hugs and kisses to the boy. Nicola stood there looking at them on the sidelines with his back resting against the wall and then slowly faded away. They heard him go driving his Saab while you were showering together.
But Peter did not give up the following weekend and found themselves once again all three together on the carpet in front of the fireplace and then, exhausted, fell asleep on the bed in blue room. One here, one there, and Peter in the center. The boy spent a sleepless night. The next morning in the kitchen Peter communicated to all his great idea.
"Now we've opened the hall of mirrors because we do not do a big party with all our friends? Everyone is free to invite whoever they like. What do you think? "
Nicola they seemed enthusiastic. On the other hand they had all friends in common. The boy however did not know who to invite. In the letter he wrote to Sylvia tried to sound normal, but was bound to come up with something to push her to leave his little David and get down to Rome. His birthday had just passed away and still graduate. He could not cheat. Silvia was well aware of the state of his studies. She could not lie. He had never done and did not want to start some time. She hated the lies and he could not risk losing her own when she most needed his presence. No use to tell a lie, he thought the boy. Just do not tell the whole truth and he certainly did not lack imagination. The following Saturday would have been May 2: Silvia's birthday. May was the month of roses and peonies. Silvia And even as he loved peonies. So lush and decadent. Lusty-smiled to himself-the guy and it seemed that there was a more appropriate term to describe that situation. Luxury and lust! He had found the theme of the festival and announced radiant Peter and Nicola who approved the proposal with enthusiasm. What a coincidence in the garden there was a flower bed full of peonies ready to bloom. The boy had a photo specifically at those swollen buds with his old Polaroid with a permanent marker and wrote below it: "Celebrating your birthday together, you, me and them? ".
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Do You Tip On Free Services
Droppie (III parte)
The pissed guy sitting on the toilet as usual. He noticed pink orchid in the window, unequivocal sign of the trends of the gay owner. After a second Peter entered the bathroom, the boy walked past without saying a word and went to sit on the bidet next to him, glanced in the mirror accomplice.
Shit, he had forgotten to lock the door! But it seemed unnecessary given that there were only two of them at home. And Peter could not take it as an invitation to enter, considering how he had reacted to his advances before. Now what was he doing? He tried to get up abruptly, but Peter did not leave him no time to pull up his pants. He drew back his hair to the side and took the bird in his mouth still dripping with piss. The boy left him to do. The affair began to amuse him. He wanted to see how far he would arrive. Peter, on his knees, even with his pants down, he began sucking gently masturbating with your other hand. The boy had not wrong. Peter had a really nice tool. The thing was a bit 'too fast but very exciting and bodes well as the beginning. When they had finished Peter ran a clean towel and left him there alone to take a shower. When the boy came out and joined him in the kitchen, she found Peter sitting waiting in a beautiful gown with red stripes and blue, in front of a slice of bread, mozzarella and spicy salami, and a beautiful crystal glass full half of a full-bodied red wine.
Under the robe Peter had a yellow shirt with the number 69 and the word "breakfast included" printed in green.
"Full service, huh?" Said the boy amused by the absurd situation. With his free hand from Peter sandwich Eva stroked who had gone to rub against the boy's legs.
"likes her too," said Peter, glissando elegantly on that line and raised his glass in auspicious sign. Then he approached and kissed him pouring the warm wine directly from his mouth to the boy. At the end he smiled gently, as if to emphasize that he was running the show there.
course the boy did not take her home. Not at home at least. When the Opel slipped through the gate of the house of Peter, the boy did not believe that such good fortune could have happened to him. Beautiful, intelligent and well rich! Eve followed by a long corridor Vietri majolica through the halls with frescoed walls and century vaulted plasterwork and embroidered rosettes, up to the bedroom blue china. Gaped in front of the large stone fireplace framed by two French windows with spectacular views old terracotta terrace overlooking the courtyard where they had parked. Taking advantage of the surprise of his host Peter put his hand inside his pants and when the boy took it, without losing heart's stuck his tongue in his mouth.
"You tell me where's the bathroom?" The boy interrupted him calmly, but very happy to have given a false name to Peter, the false name, and decided to move out of there as soon as possible. He had met types like the hasty, impatient to go straight to the point and he knew how to handle them. The usually restrained with a life away from home and if anything unexpected girlfriend or a wife somewhere down the country, he thought. But at home he had not seen photos women and although the bathroom had two sinks, there were no brushes, hair clips, cheats or towels around. The only female presence was that of Eve and the maid who had probably stretched the pile of clothes arranged neatly at the foot of the bed.
"You tell me where's the bathroom?" The boy interrupted him calmly, but very happy to have given a false name to Peter, the false name, and decided to move out of there as soon as possible. He had met types like the hasty, impatient to go straight to the point and he knew how to handle them. The usually restrained with a life away from home and if anything unexpected girlfriend or a wife somewhere down the country, he thought. But at home he had not seen photos women and although the bathroom had two sinks, there were no brushes, hair clips, cheats or towels around. The only female presence was that of Eve and the maid who had probably stretched the pile of clothes arranged neatly at the foot of the bed.

Shit, he had forgotten to lock the door! But it seemed unnecessary given that there were only two of them at home. And Peter could not take it as an invitation to enter, considering how he had reacted to his advances before. Now what was he doing? He tried to get up abruptly, but Peter did not leave him no time to pull up his pants. He drew back his hair to the side and took the bird in his mouth still dripping with piss. The boy left him to do. The affair began to amuse him. He wanted to see how far he would arrive. Peter, on his knees, even with his pants down, he began sucking gently masturbating with your other hand. The boy had not wrong. Peter had a really nice tool. The thing was a bit 'too fast but very exciting and bodes well as the beginning. When they had finished Peter ran a clean towel and left him there alone to take a shower. When the boy came out and joined him in the kitchen, she found Peter sitting waiting in a beautiful gown with red stripes and blue, in front of a slice of bread, mozzarella and spicy salami, and a beautiful crystal glass full half of a full-bodied red wine.

"Full service, huh?" Said the boy amused by the absurd situation. With his free hand from Peter sandwich Eva stroked who had gone to rub against the boy's legs.
"likes her too," said Peter, glissando elegantly on that line and raised his glass in auspicious sign. Then he approached and kissed him pouring the warm wine directly from his mouth to the boy. At the end he smiled gently, as if to emphasize that he was running the show there.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Indy Trail Rear Suspension Frozen
Droppie (II parte)
dropped. He clung to that word as a veteran of the war the only good memories. Over time that word was like empty, had lost all ties to her meaning, transforming into pure sound. The sound of a raindrop falling into a mountain lake and blends with its deep and calm waters.
dropped. The boy's slender fingers typing on the keyboard the seven letters of your password and the computer starts with the familiar sound of the i-mac. It was recorded in Communication Sciences, address business communication. He was preparing the thesis on children and advertising. He had gone to the library to complete a very boring thesis that included the code of advertising self-regulation, legislation for children and all judgments made in the regulation of direct communication with minors after he was introduced to the grand jury. Was smarter to take notes directly on the handset. At the sound the computer was turned on the other side of the library, a student raised his head from the book. But just look crossed the boy's expression of reproach on his face turned into a half smile.
The two met again by chance there again in a week, but the third time that both seemed to find there was not a case at the same time, again on Tuesday morning. It was a beautiful sunny day. When the boy left the library with his laptop under his arm, the other was waiting for him sitting on the front steps with a pair of Rayban Aviator and his shirt half unbuttoned the pretext of a tan.
"Pleasure, Peter."
"Nice, Andrea," said the boy, clutching the big hand of Peter. Andrea was the name he always used his first meeting with a stranger, but this time it a little ashamed. To not let it show to its close imprinted an unusual force, very manly.
"What Faculty are you? "
" Communication Sciences. I am preparing a thesis. And you? "
" Architecture. Two years out of course ... "
Peter was a nice guy. Clean face emphasis in the south, straight hair, perfect teeth and a nice pair of suede Hogan light on his feet. 44-45 mentally measured the boy and after a quick look at the nose was deduced that important to be well made.
Something in his gestures, nell'andatura lanky and slow and relaxed, especially in the cadence with which he spoke gave Peter something very noble, if not snobbish. The chevalier gold pinky confirmed his suspicions.
"Would you like a granita," asked Peter.
a granita? It had to be Neapolitan or Sicilian, he thought.
a "scratchy" he said challenging the boy, treading a bit 'on the accent and Roman accompanying the sentence with one of his best smiles marauders.
"In Rome it is said Scratchy, who do not know?" He continued. Peter smiled back, sardonically. They had understood. After Great Peter offered to drive him home. The boy immediately accepted and was pleasantly surprised to find a good setter sitting waiting for the back seat of his dusty station wagon Opel. Her name was Eve. It was a black and white setter of five or six years, also complete with a pedigree like the master. No not that bothered him the smell in the car: he loved the dogs, "said he quickly made friends with Eva and offering a hand to lick. Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Does Swiss Miss Have Caffeine In It
Droppie (I parte)
his father was a hard man. Authoritative and determined as its name from the Roman centurion, lets imagine: Tullio. The boy had seen him cry only one time, listening to the tape recording from Alex. Then his father asked him to leave, since Alex was too big for him and was "brainwashed". To do it for him. Then agree with the coach sent him in retreat in Formia, in the same fucking school athletics where the boy was playing to photocopy his cock with your friends. Only this time he was there alone. And with a double ration of bromide at breakfast. Every night, when you key in the deserted dormitory, the boy looked out the window and saw the two large flashing lights of a shark which sadly, before turning for the last time and return to Alex Anguillara.
He was a tender father. I just do not know how to express it. Never a hug, a kiss. Only a few caresses. Delicate and light as a snowflake. He remembered when his father came out of the study and approached behind her on tiptoe so as not to distract him while studying. He gave a look to the tasks and then, stealthily, she passed her hand through his hair. A couple of times and that's it. In silence. Then he returned to his visits. Now that the boy lived in Rome from time to time give him a call. He had written only once.
"My dear son,
consolation that the write when you can not express their feelings as they would like. You and your brother, just the mother, you are my life and my loved ones because many-probably-fake because I lost their way. Today recriminations of having too much and too little substance to the mound to form, perhaps due to forced Spartan education received by my family. I love you and my son-in order not to hurt my straits, I prefer to give you some money for your needs that you need today and not tomorrow when I'll certainly will be valid because procured. The success will, I'm sure. Instead, I beg you to be your brother what Olga softly-but-still tenaciously was for me. A hug. Daddy. "
The guy never found the time to respond to that letter or maybe he did not find the words. Or, as he would have understood a Sunday a few years later, he had only read the letter. How do you do with wills. That Sunday had returned early from his trip out-door. The magnificent garden of the villa of his friend looked out on the green hills of the Castelli Romani. The sun was shining and immediately after lunch the boy had gone to lie down on the grass well mown lawn, not caring to stain the new jeans and a cashmere sweater cream. It was so nice there and for the first time in a long time finally felt free and peaceful. Satisfied with his new group of friends and secretly flattered to be entered into the good graces of the richest among them. We would stay all day lying on the grass, despite being a bit 'moist, but had to do freelance and forced a friend to accompany him back home, leaving the others to tell their holidays in the light of that lazy sunset in late September . The friend unloading in front of the theater sexy Volturno and engages the first, greeting him with a short beep. It was then, as she passed parked at the Ibiza has broken down in the narrow Via Calatafimi gut, that he heard the voice saying: "Dad is dead."
did not listen to his words, but the sharp slowdown in the arrival of the hydraulic mechanism of the lift on the fourth floor made him jump. Upon entering the house as usual, checked the answering machine hi-tech that he had been sent from America. He had seen her in the house of one of his one-night-stand where he had spent the night a couple of times, right to find out where he had taken that wonder. On a warning message flashed incessantly, and the boy pressed a red button reading. A rush of adrenaline flashed the long legs when he heard the trembling voice of her mother who was trying to find the right words to tell him not too alarmed about the health of his father. Tully was in the hospital. The heart. The boy rushed to the station as it was and took the first train to Milan. He found his mother and brother kneeling in front of the plaster statue of the Madonna in the waiting room of the intensive care ward. Poor deluded. He knew that his father is not going to make it. He had fallen asleep on the train, with the text the brochure for the Renault sales force which was to be the next morning in the agency still tight in his hands when he felt wrapped in a warm embrace. He opened his eyes but there was nobody around. It was his father. He had wanted to greet it, he was sure, with the warmth that had never been able to give him all his life. The doctors said that there had been nothing to do, that his heart had been shocked into two after infarction.
His heart was tender his father. Consoled him saying that he had had virtually no time to suffer. But from her mother's inconsolable crying He had seen die in the arms-and that for the rest of his life as a widow would never forgive her for not even having been able to wipe the cold sweat from the forehead of her husband, the boy saw was a white lie . Funny how the corpses seem to move even if they look long enough. In the wet parking lot overlooking the mortuary of the hospital the boy had had all the time that he wanted to be alone with him. To observe it, in silence, not that he was looking for your eyes to see if you were careful as you read his newspaper articles, appeared to be asleep. But it was too thin and pale blue pajamas at that. And his father never wore pajama pants. The had discovered with some surprise on a Sunday morning of his childhood and from that day he had not stopped to fantasize over. Hugged him to feel the warmth of his body and squeezed her hand. It was cold as the gray marble slab on which he lay. Then someone opened his mouth to force Tullio, removed his dentures and fell back into a handkerchief. At that moment the boy resented his voice and knew that his father was really dead. Blighted inner voice. Had repeated so many times that he would die at age 19, that the boy had made a right. In fact we joked about. Imagined to sit with his soul hanging from the ceiling of the church to see who would cry more at his funeral. And you want to distract them, or because trouble shared is trouble halved, was caught doing the same macabre mental arithmetic at the funeral of his brother, the mother and father and ask for one of them would cry more. That the boy's head was tantamount to saying to those who want more? That day in church the boy would never stop crying if from the bench beside her mother had not warned her-so-weeping: "Do not cry. Do not you dare cry! "
The boy obeyed, but it was a mistake. If every tear had a different color, if you could recognize the tears for one or the other, he would have noticed that when it was moved to a movie at the cinema or on television, still gave vent to tears interrupted her father.
was with a tear in his pocket, Silvia said, gesturing with her hands curled in a mo 'claw tears clinging to the edge of the lashes, always on the verge of falling. The boy did she ever made an issue, but felt a little embarrassed when her Dutch boyfriend confessed that "double"-the nickname that had saddled-literally means "tear."
Monday, May 3, 2010
Congratulations Marriage Japaense
Sogno n°4
"This is my house!" My father yells at my mother standing in the bedroom.
"This is my house!" My father yells at my mother standing in the bedroom.
not have found that listening to them I'm terrified behind squares of frosted glass door.
"But you're dead or alive?" I ask the voice of innocence bursting into the room with the blue pajamas when I was a child.
Dad does not answer. Mutes and disappears where it came from: nowhere.
I find myself in the midst of a patch of clay, like that of our villa di Procida, before dad sow the grass and planted the garden. There are only two orange trees that he planted at our birth and bearing our names. A tall and thin, the other shorter and foliage. Between the two trunks is tied a sage-colored shawl, like a fishing net stretched in the sun to dry. Or as a great catcher. On an old canvas chairs with flowers sits a decrepit old woman with a tennis racket in his hand by way 'of beaters. As soon as I saw it up with surprising agility and a voice that tells me the creeps: "Do you remember me?".
She stares at me with his one good eye from which emerges a beam of green light as the laser of a disco. While repeating the question he pulls out a tennis ball and starts to dribble with his racket to the ground, raising clouds of dust. I would just run away but the ball bounces on the ground to rest petrified as a ruse. The only escape route is closed by a net shawl. I have to deal with it. If you pronounce the name of the witch, but I know that I break the spell of my mouth wide open in terror does not leave a single sound. Scream with all the strength in my body and I wake with a start shouting out loud the name of a woman who does not know or do not remember ever known. Saturday, May 1, 2010
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