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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
My Sister's Husband Raped Me
Boston New York Chicago
The city that never sleeps, NY is like being in a movie, every corner reminds you of something, walking near the bridge in Brooklyn I saw a corner of the city that I brought to mind one of my favorite movies, Once Upon a Time in America.
Whenever I take the subway, similar to that of Milan, that is dirty, I expected them to come out from some corner a group bands of kids dancing, so perhaps too much to film.
New York and the issues as you, you know although there is never been a statue, bridge, park, cranes, is okay, the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, Ground Zero, the hot dogs on the street, taxis, beautiful residential neighborhoods, neighborhoods normal and poor neighborhoods. On the way see the Robinson family and the girls from Sex in the City. A variety of breeds of each color. The first couchsurfer was also the owner of a hostel, so I am made a free week in Brooklyn.
The hostel I like, there's always a great party atmosphere but relaxed, and that the Italians will be only move in August and like NY, they met at every turn, can be recognized from afar as I am dressed, with particular attention to the combination of colors, and with an accent impossible, it will be now that I speak better English a bit proud of it 'and made fun of them and I do it often and with gusto! In the last week have been hosted by a girl with a family of lunatics, it was fun. About the Amish do, unfortunately, has failed. It will be for next time.
NY is nice but I would live there, and we only return because I met nice people, and I would have been more just to hang out with them.
At first I was surprised that there was more in the metro African American (politically correct) and Caucasian (white) and then coming out with it, I realized that they take the Taxi!
I'm not climbing the Empire State Building, I even approached us to tell the truth, someone has dared to say that NY could be seen from the best thing about this trip and me and I'm lost .. I thought: Grand Canyon, salar of Uyuni, Volcano Pacaya, Igua Azul, boat trip on Lake Michigan at sunset .... I did not add comments.
The trip not only broadens the mind: the shapes. Bruce Chatwin
The city that never sleeps, NY is like being in a movie, every corner reminds you of something, walking near the bridge in Brooklyn I saw a corner of the city that I brought to mind one of my favorite movies, Once Upon a Time in America.
Whenever I take the subway, similar to that of Milan, that is dirty, I expected them to come out from some corner a group bands of kids dancing, so perhaps too much to film.
New York and the issues as you, you know although there is never been a statue, bridge, park, cranes, is okay, the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, Ground Zero, the hot dogs on the street, taxis, beautiful residential neighborhoods, neighborhoods normal and poor neighborhoods. On the way see the Robinson family and the girls from Sex in the City. A variety of breeds of each color. The first couchsurfer was also the owner of a hostel, so I am made a free week in Brooklyn.
NY is nice but I would live there, and we only return because I met nice people, and I would have been more just to hang out with them.
At first I was surprised that there was more in the metro African American (politically correct) and Caucasian (white) and then coming out with it, I realized that they take the Taxi!
I'm not climbing the Empire State Building, I even approached us to tell the truth, someone has dared to say that NY could be seen from the best thing about this trip and me and I'm lost .. I thought: Grand Canyon, salar of Uyuni, Volcano Pacaya, Igua Azul, boat trip on Lake Michigan at sunset .... I did not add comments.
The trip not only broadens the mind: the shapes. Bruce Chatwin
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Why Are Scorpio So Strong
Sogno n°5
May was the month in which changed the shop windows with stones.
July was the feast of the pranksters. They had a couple of super eyes that allowed them to see things up close even though they were far away. They would party all day and all night. And they lived happily ever after.
May was the month in which changed the shop windows with stones.
The kids gathered in the cobbled streets and loads them in a wheelbarrow. They waited in the morning, when the street lights were still on the street but there was no anyone still around, and started the party. Threw stones against the windows and smashed them so simply. Not bad. Passers-by looked at them quietly and so are the dealers who pulled up the claire, swept away the shards of glass plates and replace them with new ones.
In June there were three houses with stairs connected to each other on the ground and a plane that took off downhill. In a house was always winter. In the second father and son was hiding was stealing his wallet. In the third turned around: the walls and furniture and objects rotated in the air rolled into many spirals.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Lump Growth On Toddlers Throat
Droppie (XI parte)
After that stressful day was followed by a completely sleepless night.
The boy was turned over in bed until dawn. As soon as he could distinguish the shapes of the houses had got up, went into the kitchen and had prepared a nice strong coffee that kept him awake for the rest of the day that was supposed to go to the library. The thesis was to deliver by the end of the week. The rapporteur had given the ultimatum, and could not afford further delay, otherwise the degree of slip at the next session, six months later. The boy had bought in January, the trip to New York and would not give up anything in the world for his trip and fly-drive in the land of freedom. He wanted to visit the Village and the Stonewall, where it all began. Then Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles. He had already contacted friends via the Internet and had arranged everything. He stayed with friends and friends of friends in every city and a few days in a hostel in the city where he supports or in the intermediate stages between a location to the next. At the bottom was an adventure trip and how he was wrong. It was not the first time traveling alone and knew exactly how to stop it. He was sure it would be fun and that this would be an experience to tell his grandchildren, so to speak.
mocha took the old grandmother, one of six coffee cups and remembered how Catherine had a ritual for women. He ran the tap and filled the base of the machine half a finger over the valve, as he had taught her. Then we put the filter, turned everything to remove excess water and loaded the coffee. He made a pretty decent Montagnella and crushed with a spoon. Eventually we made two or three holes with a toothpick in the center so that water could rise and easily tighten up the coffee maker. He turned on the heat to low, lifted the lid of the pot and put us over the spoon to
mo 'to Drop guard.
While waiting for the coffee ascended, he saw the pen. It was one of those snap-transparent, with the little woman who strips when you put it upside down to write. Only instead of the little woman was a man dressed as a miniature cowboy, with a large Pisellone hidden under the jeans overalls. "Billy" was written. The boy had received this gadget to open a gay disco in Rome. Billy rolled over in his hands for a while, 'and then began to write on the back of the paper where he had pinned a list of expenditure.
"He was here waiting for me, your pen. Another thing I will remember you for life. I knew how much this weighs regained single life. The party, the free pass, the furtive glances, the first approach, condoms and everything else. It seems a century since we were together. I think as I watch the withered plants on my windowsill. They appear here on purpose to remind me how fragile life. Everything passes, everything changes. And we try in vain to bring order to chaos.
Through the railings of the balcony I see a group of guys returning on foot from some club and I wonder which of us is a prisoner. The real prison
is the couple that after a thousand nights spent clinging to one another crunching any passion, or that this madhouse at night leaves the world of dreams to chase other premises in the dark?
more time passes the more you remember you as sweet as the flesh of an orange. Under the skin hardened by anger and resentment from seeking the good of you that still exist. Your kind gestures, your kind words, your caring thoughts. I try to understand what happened yet. I wanted to feel important to someone. Irreplaceable. Unbeatable. What a fool. I think I can help change your life and instead I ended up changing mine. Forever. Fondling the night like a cat I had my your nightmares, your fears untold, of your obsessions. Up to inexorably become possessed.
The other day a black cat crossed my path, lightning-fast and silent as the thought of you. Gave me a quick glance through the vertical slot of its pupils. He left the same light I saw you under the strobe flashing in his eyes in the damn club. Beautiful eyes and the damned.
Damn me and my presumption. Yes, I'm conceited, narcissistic, ambitious, deluded. I am sad and alone. But I am alive. I'm here to kiss new dawn on misty glass of my kitchen. There are love and love to live by write. "
After that stressful day was followed by a completely sleepless night.
The boy was turned over in bed until dawn. As soon as he could distinguish the shapes of the houses had got up, went into the kitchen and had prepared a nice strong coffee that kept him awake for the rest of the day that was supposed to go to the library. The thesis was to deliver by the end of the week. The rapporteur had given the ultimatum, and could not afford further delay, otherwise the degree of slip at the next session, six months later. The boy had bought in January, the trip to New York and would not give up anything in the world for his trip and fly-drive in the land of freedom. He wanted to visit the Village and the Stonewall, where it all began. Then Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles. He had already contacted friends via the Internet and had arranged everything. He stayed with friends and friends of friends in every city and a few days in a hostel in the city where he supports or in the intermediate stages between a location to the next. At the bottom was an adventure trip and how he was wrong. It was not the first time traveling alone and knew exactly how to stop it. He was sure it would be fun and that this would be an experience to tell his grandchildren, so to speak.
mocha took the old grandmother, one of six coffee cups and remembered how Catherine had a ritual for women. He ran the tap and filled the base of the machine half a finger over the valve, as he had taught her. Then we put the filter, turned everything to remove excess water and loaded the coffee. He made a pretty decent Montagnella and crushed with a spoon. Eventually we made two or three holes with a toothpick in the center so that water could rise and easily tighten up the coffee maker. He turned on the heat to low, lifted the lid of the pot and put us over the spoon to
mo 'to Drop guard.
While waiting for the coffee ascended, he saw the pen. It was one of those snap-transparent, with the little woman who strips when you put it upside down to write. Only instead of the little woman was a man dressed as a miniature cowboy, with a large Pisellone hidden under the jeans overalls. "Billy" was written. The boy had received this gadget to open a gay disco in Rome. Billy rolled over in his hands for a while, 'and then began to write on the back of the paper where he had pinned a list of expenditure.
"He was here waiting for me, your pen. Another thing I will remember you for life. I knew how much this weighs regained single life. The party, the free pass, the furtive glances, the first approach, condoms and everything else. It seems a century since we were together. I think as I watch the withered plants on my windowsill. They appear here on purpose to remind me how fragile life. Everything passes, everything changes. And we try in vain to bring order to chaos.
Through the railings of the balcony I see a group of guys returning on foot from some club and I wonder which of us is a prisoner. The real prison
is the couple that after a thousand nights spent clinging to one another crunching any passion, or that this madhouse at night leaves the world of dreams to chase other premises in the dark?
more time passes the more you remember you as sweet as the flesh of an orange. Under the skin hardened by anger and resentment from seeking the good of you that still exist. Your kind gestures, your kind words, your caring thoughts. I try to understand what happened yet. I wanted to feel important to someone. Irreplaceable. Unbeatable. What a fool. I think I can help change your life and instead I ended up changing mine. Forever. Fondling the night like a cat I had my your nightmares, your fears untold, of your obsessions. Up to inexorably become possessed.
The other day a black cat crossed my path, lightning-fast and silent as the thought of you. Gave me a quick glance through the vertical slot of its pupils. He left the same light I saw you under the strobe flashing in his eyes in the damn club. Beautiful eyes and the damned.
Damn me and my presumption. Yes, I'm conceited, narcissistic, ambitious, deluded. I am sad and alone. But I am alive. I'm here to kiss new dawn on misty glass of my kitchen. There are love and love to live by write. "
Monday, August 23, 2010
Null Modem Cable Pinkie
Droppie (X parte)
The next day he put the computer under his arm and took the subway to go to the library to finish his thesis. He had written a Silvia or had more call after he returned to Milan. Was in no mood to talk to anyone. He was still upset and would not know what to say. And then the time was fixed on beauty. He waited for rain, and that the glass on the window sill is filled, as he told her. In the subway tunnel was already very hot at ten o'clock in the morning. It was chock full of people irritable and hot. The benches were all occupied. The boy leaned back against the curved wall of Cavour station and began to read the billboards advertising to pass the time.
"People Would read anything in the tube" was the headline of an English countryside that he had mentioned in his thesis as the best example of using the media. It was true. He looked at the board: six more minutes. The Rome metro laugh compared to that of Milan. Meanwhile, the train came rattling in the opposite direction and soon departed. Among the crowd of people seemed to recognize a waterproof cream that was strangely familiar. His heart began to beat wildly. The man with the briefcase and looked like the bald ... but no, he could be. Yet he looked like. Same waterproof cut with wide shoulder straps buttoned, very checkered lining of Barbour. And the hair worn short back and sides and the square in the middle? If it were not for the trendy eyeglass frames could have sworn that this was his father. But you can also change a frame, he thought. The man on the other side of the tracks while he went quietly to the exit. His train was coming but the boy was seized by an impulse. He began to run up the stairs like crazy, bumping against the stream of people coming down in the opposite direction. Nothing could stop him. Even the fat with the shopping bags and her son in her arms that nearly killed. Nor does the risk of breaking the computer and the impact of losing all the work done for the thesis. He climbed the steps of the marble stairs two at a time, climbed over the turnstiles and re-emerged in the sea of \u200b\u200btourists in Via dei Fori Imperiali. Man with even waterproof cream shadow. In front of him towered the imposing outline against the light and majesty of the Colosseum. It was not the first time that's happened to that feeling of disorientation. A full-blown panic attack. He had dreamed many times that his father was alive. He feared that he had faked his death to be able to marry, have children, rebuild their family. Changing our lives short. If he had not seen with his own eyes and touched with his hands on his father's lifeless body on the cold marble slab in the morgue had no doubts. He still needs so much? If the image abroad. He should change his name and occupation, but with his knowledge of English and French, his intelligence and his incredible ability to self Tullio going to make it anywhere. Once told him that as a young man to impress in a Danish fell in love, he taught himself the language and his promise that one day in that land far away you would have heard of him. And so it was. At 40 years and without political support or recommendation of any kind Tullio had become the youngest primary convention held in Italy and worldwide. Now that he thought his father had always preferred the countries of northern Europe. His life would have been different if his father was still there with him? Would help him with money, the university, illness and all the rest? And his mother would be like? That she was alive when her husband was always complaining that it was a bear and never wanted to go out and see people-he would be his books and his music-and that after his death had removed it all: fights, long faces, misunderstandings, to remember only what little good was left. It 's so that the brain works. Removes ugly and keep only those memories that make you feel good. Had they taught her father. He always said that the brain can not help but think, and who says he is not thinking of anything, mind shamelessly. Why is your use of the organ. And the only function of the brain is to think. Even once when his father was studying biology, said he continues to be brain activity several minutes after death. And he, what he was thinking at that moment? Perhaps his father would have liked to see him graduate? Shit, the view! The session was one degree less than a month and had yet to complete it and return it to the speaker.
The next day he put the computer under his arm and took the subway to go to the library to finish his thesis. He had written a Silvia or had more call after he returned to Milan. Was in no mood to talk to anyone. He was still upset and would not know what to say. And then the time was fixed on beauty. He waited for rain, and that the glass on the window sill is filled, as he told her. In the subway tunnel was already very hot at ten o'clock in the morning. It was chock full of people irritable and hot. The benches were all occupied. The boy leaned back against the curved wall of Cavour station and began to read the billboards advertising to pass the time.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Creative Softball Quotes
Chicago has the sea, that has a lake that is so great that it seems the sea, beach, beach tennis rackets, but nothing super sporty people running for the long lake.
skyscrapers overlooking the city and are reflected in the water, then a river runs through it, Venetian style, but not so old, and say that channels like all things here in the U.S. are larger.
Summer is full of events and music festivals, each week has its own. I was at the Italian festival in Little Italy, Italy Ode to the nth degree with mafia tourist version.
There is a huge park in the city center and guardian of the square, where every morning form of classical music or jazz. With some
couchsurfer I attended some events, including the critical mass, all in a bike through the streets of Chicago in his underwear .. and of course I have not pulled back, so I do not know anyone, really I was in costume, but it is the idea that counts right? '2000 people around to snake through the city to block traffic. Fortunately I was able to recover and even a bike so I go around the city in true Chicago style.
Here I tried the typical pizza, good pizza, but I just do not call, I would say cake stuffed tomato. In town I stopped
enough to savor every corner, visit with wine tasting in a brewery, $ 5, bike tours for $ 30 restaurants in the city, various music, including bluegrass banjo and mandolin with a side dish, $ 5, boat ride to the lake, free, meetings with various CS, free, party renaissance draft gladiators of European Middle Ages with the follow ... but there were some pirates who amalgamated some of the best Roman centurions, $ 10. The view from the tallest building in town is priceless.
I've been all this time hosted by Douglas couchsurfer the guy who I met in South America, who introduced me to friends and friends of friends, so every day I had something to do. The costs have surged here I have not yet realized, I want to have as a surprise .. surprise she has run out of money! I also tried to apply for a visa to stop in town a few more months but as I had already answered the emails .. you have to leave the United States at the expiry of his visa ... touchy!
Arriving at each new city, the traveler finds his past that he did not know most of you: the foreignness of what you are no longer or not you have more lying in wait in strange places and not owned. Italo Calvino
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