The idea was to continue for the legendary Route 66, then to San Francisco via Los Angeles have come to Flagstaff.Il trip was by bus and even with the Greyhould thousand people had warned me that they were poorly placed to the buses, I never would have thought they were worse than Bolivians. Not one but two incidents of minor, but two accidents in three hours! No more Greyhould, they did not even projected a movie! So I arrived in the town saw me arrive five hours late to meet me at the bus station, Matt, a boy couchsurfer country-style, in fact, a professional musician. Flagstaff is really beautiful here do not lock their houses. They are all friendly and everyone seems to be musicians. City dry and windy same fire, the pair of Cs that was to house the next day due to evacuate due to fire in the garden, never mind that I stopped by Matt gave a party and I attended my first jam session, ie the succession of musicians who improvise freely and all good, but just singing, but it was nice in the background there was the smoke of the fire, spectacular! I managed to contact two Australian girls too, passing through the city and together we rented a car, automatic transmission is exceptional, how many things can be done more easily with one hand free! Maybe it was not made for that but that's cool! And, yes, the Grand Canyon is immense, breathtaking, spectacular, more so on and so forth รน! Amazing, huge, F. me side way, OMFG! There you feel really small, and because I did not pay the secondary entrance hall, which is not bad. The next day, but always with the Corolla without super speed, I went to Sedona, but there open-mouthed in front of mountains shaped by the wind and weather. My last couchsurfer was Daniel, boy (here the air is good) with a fantastic home and an adorable dog do not bark and is already a plus, the last days in this town I spent cycling around and taking pictures of fires through several BBQ!
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