Kansas city, where all and say all they told me not stop in Kansas City because there was nothing much to see, well, they were right, luck would have it, the two boys were very nice and I am staying with their beautiful house, air conditioner included. The heat, never a word was so hated, maybe I had forgotten, the humidity was so high that even opening the mouth could drink! Here is the famous BBQ sandwich, sandwich with half a kilo of meat on the grill, here this was the best thing in town. They say the city is second to Rome for the number of fountains, I saw and took advantage on a hot afternoon, I refreshed my legs! The city, although the name could mislead even the U.S. (with the rebate, the famous Yankee stereotype of bad geography) is not in Kansas, but in Missouri, this explains why my search of the farm of Clark Kent and Dorothy did not bring results. With a super economic Mega Bus, $ 5, I arrived in St Louis, Lindbergh understand why he wanted to take the flight, to breathe some 'fresh air, the good thing is that all homes c'el'aria conditioning , as well as in museums, I went to visit a free, beautiful history, and an additional charge, but recommended by everyone as a must-see thing, well if you go to St. Louis and I suggest the City Museum and you will Children will you have them for a stroll with you, also send them to hell! The option is to be a fine company of drunks, like bachelor party, then yes, it's a playground full of tunnels and also did bad!
Even with a hot nail haunts me, the Amish, they have beautiful websites, but they live in the ass to the wolves, or go with the Amish tour or go by car, now I'm looking for someone to come with me, but it seems that nobody cares about the Amish, it must be like for us elves who live somewhere in Emilia, I think, comparison too far?
My house was an apartment to me, the neighbor of a couple of friends of a friend of mine, that is, one that did not know me at all, I left the his house for a week ... I'm still surprised.
For Thanksgiving I made a cake, no, not the tiramisu because it took me too many expensive ingredients, but a good apple strudel! Cooked and eaten!
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