Whether to 'go back to that no one has checked the passport or ticket (ticket so to speak, as is required to have the book number) here I found the Asian RyanAir, the Tiger, not an economic as Ryan but with the same procedures.
In Sydney I visited an old Italian friend, Colin, who had not seen for years, last time was in Amsterdam. I remember looking like the old days and talk about 'the dialect, I scarrozzato
The city is beautiful, perhaps the favorite in Melbourne, there is more wind and air do not know but the sea of \u200b\u200bsnow. Pro in living in Australia: high salary, good quality of life, corruption is minimal, press freedom, people do their facts Marduck (owner of OZ TV) is not in politics; against: The health system is a bit 'pay, you only have 2 weeks of illness to' year and being close to the ozone hole you have to check the skin every year, high risk of skin cancer (it will be just like africa ol'argentina, but on certain flying things) the end I probably should not have the money to buy the house, the neighbors who have put in place on your own, have corruption in every area but go to the doctor for free, enjoy the sun without burning the Oglio River and stay at home sick if I do not want to go to work. Italy at the end is not bad if you have the money, a permanent job and owned two houses as a disease you only have a cold ... maybe it's better that I'm here a little 'time.
We would live but do not give me the working visa.
Here, as in NZ and the U.S., they give you a tourist visa if you have no criminal record, if you get caught without, you can not return for three years, if they catch you at work, wait 10 years, if you stole it no longer came, if you kill you kill, it is not true that only in America (without source) If you arrive you are greeted with the boat and if you have a valid reason you sent home, he does not care if you say that you have no home, no food and there's a war going on, is not a valid reason because if you do not have the money to stay there you do not want, if you are over 30 years do not want you because if you're a woman, your reproductive system is slow and if you are a man hurts
It 'better to do always what' you want, but always want what 'you do'. (Tolstoy)
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