Andrew (VI parte) the evening before leaving New York Michael took him to the Palladium. It was the birthday of the great DJ Junior Vasquez and would play for his audience of fans from around the world. Michael was gasatissimo and forced him to throw down un'exstacy the taxi, even before you get to the disco. It was raining. They were still in the queue at the counter when the boy did not make it over and vomited into the soul of an umbrella stand. Then, as if nothing had happened, wiped his mouth with a clinex and entered. Michael complimented him with the snazzy when he freed and blew a bit 'of fresh air in your face. Between the rain and sweat for the drug the boy was completely her hair was soaked and splashed on the front as if a cow had licked. So much so that when she saw him enter the big buttadentro color winked at Michael and asked the boy: "Are you coming from a sauna, man!?"
The Palladium was amazing. Michael had to take charge of the wardrobe. The boy had been admiring the huge glass staircase and the thousands of LED lights of the steps that created a psychedelic effect reflected by the mirror ceiling. There were three rooms on the first floor, but the two sides had been turned into huge darkroom behind heavy curtains of black plastic. In the two corridors that had come to form the sides of the track central place of the real fashion shows. Drag-queen dressed only in feathers and skirts dizzying pace on heels with an elegance that are the envy of any woman. When do I mix Vasquez Vogue Madonna the incredible happened. Practically the entire club and all the people we stopped on the track was divided into two huge wings of the crowd who stopped to admire the makeshift catwalk in fierce competition from those models. Looks sharp jabs, haughty expressions, impeccable makeup, poise martial trans those copies were made of flesh and bones of the models of paper cut out from magazines that the boy's mother. The applause of the crowd decided who stayed and who went after each collision of two, until the two winners were challenged to single combat in the middle of the track. The boy had climbed on to better enjoy the scene. Upstairs there was another large room in darkness and half the workers from a bouncy castle as those for children, but ten times bigger. Swayed to and fro, leaping as during an earthquake. Every now and then to an exit side came out all sweaty someone: who stripped to the waist, some with pants and shoes in hand.
The boy approached the entrance nearest intrigued but could not see anything. Inside it was all a maze of dark tunnels where we could see every now and bodies entwined in strange evolutions.
When the boy had to go back he noticed with pleasure that beautiful beef with the chest that he had spotted a scream down the track behind him. C'aveva been right since. At least judging by that big lump that pointed straight at him, under the sweat pants that guy did not have to wear underpants. Did not repeat the mistake made in Amsterdam. Taking advantage of the crowd and with the excuse of Andrew throw that key so-called-had just offered him a thorough check-the-basket.
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