Thursday, December 9, 2010

Alter Ego Garlic Conditioners

the Great Ocean Road Melbourne

There once was a punctilious English, French a French, a Dutch giant, a Colombian girl and an Italian woman perfect in every respect on a trip with a Wicker (translation: evil) motor home to the Great Ocean Road for five days between
kangaroos hopping around the tent early morning (the perfect obviously has to sleep in the camper) and colorful parrots A4 hopping on the table during breakfast. For breakfast I have kept the style of San Cristobal, and banana bread and since I needed a splash of energy plenty of nutella .. ops is why I called gordita!?!
The weather was not the best and the Antarctic wind certainly did not help much but, again, a bow in front of nature and as they say here ... BBBBBBiutiful. The
Ocean Road skirts the southern state of Victoria and the view is lost at a distance between cliffs and stone bridges formed by the years. On the way back we crossed a national park and hence the way for Koala (Not at all cute teddy bears, but rather as fierce as bears) Wallabi (gray kangaroo) that you like cats crossed the road and stopped to fix the lights. ... Wake up you're a Cangurino a meter is not a cat of twenty centimeters! All surrounded by woods, eucalyptus and rocky hills. A great trip, mostly for places for people, the Adelita was something else.
You can not discover new oceans Unless You Have the courage to lose sight of the shore


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