The capital is rather plain, nothing of that, I went to visit the Tuol Sleng museum, a place used by Khmer Rouge guerrillas lasted a regime of Pol Pot's mad, from '75 to '79 to torture and kill women, men, children, foreigners, anyone had any culture, teachers, architects, painters, who knew a second language. The citizens were evacuated from the cities to the countryside, where they were forced into common factors. Phnom Penh was turned into a ghost town where many died of starvation, disease or because
Here I was a guest of Tim, an English boy, and together we went out in the night life in the Cambodian company of other English language teachers in kindergartens, and good that I tip my Cambodia on 'teaching! Too bad that not all children can go to school and shame that not all children can remain with their families, child trafficking is very high, and poor families are forced to sell their children. Cambodia is a corrupt country, is at the 166 vs Italy at 55 and
if hanging out with the scooter and the police will stop you have to stretch a few dollars Bergamo vs fighters if they stop you and six non-EU hit you as well!
At the market I found some delicious, fried tarantulas! Had they not been killed with poison, I would have tasted a paw!
extreme obedience assumes ignorance in the one who obeys; also presupposes that the person who controls, they do not have to deliberate, to doubt, to reason, she did not want that.
Charles-Louis de Montesquieu
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