A taste of Laos The defining Laos, China best friend, well, moreover, is in a good location, Laos was part of the 'Indochina under French control, and it shows not only the quantity but also of French bread, croissants, the streets are written in French, the books of Tin Tin (Belgian, however, is not diciamoglielo) and French
feel at home. In Laos there are about 50 different ethnic tribes with different customs and traditions, are mostly in the north, I would not have been there, it will be for next time, and talking with a guy who had been complaining that the rest of Laos, it was inhabited by tribes, saying this is not laos ... because what does not feel authentic, use the scooter, washing machine, listening to music Laotian rock, do not wear necklaces a kilo and white teeth, well some even Italy is no longer the '50s, but to my great-grandmother Magdalene quandoall'età of 70 years (approximately) have put the bathroom in the house, I was glad to quit going to do it in the midst of the cows! Or maybe you would like in Italy there were still people camunnian, segregated in a reserve, true natives of the peninsula, which must be integrated with the other or else you lose the roots, thankfully things are a thousand years ago, otherwise the Aborigines, Mapuche Indians we should also make Camuni! And already we have plenty of those who believe Italian doc!
Luang Prabang is nice, a nice morning market and a beautiful tourist market here in the evening and, after months, I bought a little something superfluous, first he was alone, I buy it if it is a necessity or if I have something broken. I also went into a room you see me in a movie, of course, everything has been below 4 euro! Breakfast was mainly based on fruit
shake similar to donuts and something with something in it that I still do not know what good though .. and my favorite dinner was served with coconut rice in a banana leaf served as a sciùreta all ' corner. At the night market there are also species comedor, with tables of tourists with a € alternativ chic where you could eat everything you had on your plate, but I am outraged for the food that was advanced, no, you do, do not throw the food! So I preferred my sciùreta or a canopy next to the hostel with some balls of animal uncertain (they told me pork, pork meat, but I know it is clear .. maybe it was wild boar). The country is crossed by a river and all around there are mountains and waterfalls in abundance. Here, after two days of sciatica or herniated disc according to wikipedia, that did not make me sleep, I went to give me a massage Lao, on the basis of shiatsu, a finger pressure, but with the added punch and used his foot as a pivot for detach the arts ... well that was the feeling, I still have bruises on my legs but the sciatica is gone. Here There are many Buddhist monks, who, with their heads shaved ela orange robe walking around the city dell'Ombrellino shaded black.
All teenage boys are sent to the temples for a few months to follow the life of a Buddhist Monaco, I have come across a baby boy the head and eyebrows shaved monaco informing me (not very pleased) that he had to raise at 4 to pray, and asked me what time I get up I do not feel too bad, I told him at 6 o'clock, I think that Buddhism is the religion that I like best, as the orange I suppose.
In Vientiane there are only going to get a visa for Cambodia, which also can be done at the border at a lower cost, that sucks when people give you the information is not correct or does not update wikitravel!
Man in his arrogance thinks a great work, worthy of a divine creation. More humble, I think it's more just considered descendents of the animals. (Darwin)
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