Siem Reap, Cambodia AKA In Search of Lost Time Bolivia, Cambodia and the Asian, or better say Ecuador, since the dollar is used as the local currencies as well, do not know that's not really good for them? The Cambodians I like,
people are happy, smiling and singing. In Siem Reap I took a Guest house fabulous, I had a room all to myself, the operators a family Khmer (Cambodian) and not really sure how many people work there, but there were always at least a dozen people, playing cards, to give you information and even a little 'to get around. Or work there for all, we divide the pay, in 10 to sell a bottle of milk! The city has a market day and a night market in the center there is a tourist area with restaurants and a street called Pub Street, but is especially famous for the temples of Angkor, masterpieces of Khmer architecture, the largest archaeological site the world, protected by UNESCO World Heritage Site, and this time I agree, in south america World Heritage Site was a bit 'too much .. Angkor Wat, the main temple is the symbol
depicted on the Cambodian flag. The site was also made famous by the Tomb rider, in fact, as I delve into various temples I felt a little 'Lara Croft in search of lost time, I also wanted to go dressed like her, but maybe it was a bit' too much. The trip I made to the temples early in the morning, 5 am to see Ankor Wat at dawn ... with no clouds! To visit the site are advised to use the three days pass, knowing I opted for a day, good choice, I took a motorbike taxi to move between different areas and my driver I cleverly Byron brought to visit, famous for the faces of stone,
first, I was alone in the entire site, at first I thought that I had brought in the wrong place and it was a minor temple and while I was visiting I thought, sure to be less than it is beautiful!
If that was not evident, conversely, that history is made even minor things, episodes of secondary, marginal, and that each monument, continue to live, can not be separated without damage, often irreparable damage from the environment . (Giorgio Bassani)
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